Hunger Games: The Full Review

Right, so I told you guys last night that Hunger Games was AWESOME, but that I was too tired to carry on. Well the time has officially come where you can stop being mad at me, ’cause I’m about to spill my guts.

I must preface by saying that I haven’t completed the books yet. I KNOW – crazy. It’s just things have been a little intense for the past year and I made it no further than Katniss becoming a tribute. Again, I KNOW. I do have a relatively decent reason though. My sister read them all and warned me not to get too far into them unless I could finish all three at the same time – because we’re both like this – we will stay up all night reading a really good book(s) and be sleep deprived zombies until we get to the end of the story. And I just haven’t been able to afford to do that in a year – so I waited. And then the movie came out seemingly at freaking warp speed.

I think it’s a good thing though – because I usually get mad at movies for leaving out what I feel were essential points in the book. Couldn’t happen this time though, well almost didn’t happen, because I hadn’t finished it yet. There was one part in the opening though where I was like, “Now wait just a minute…when did??” But the rest of the movie was bomb diggity.

So – what can I tell you without telling you the goods?? First of all, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Jennifer Lawrence being cast as Katniss Everdeen. Now you may say I have no right to an opinion without finishing the series, but I say (a) I formed a mental image of her in my mind before the end of the first chapter  and (b) hush it; her acting could be totally sucky and way off even if she did fit your mental image. Fortunately though, neither of those things are true. She’s amazing. And perfect. I adored her. Hats off – she kicked some cinematic ass yo.

Give 'em hell honey!!

And it was fun with all the other A-listers popping up and being a total surprise to me- Woody Harrelson as Haymitch made me want to go home and pick the book back up IMMEDIATELY. And oh my WORD the pomp and circumstance and complete idiocy of the Capitol. They managed to convey it in such a way that I was actually embarrassed for anyone that was cast to play a Capitol resident. Except for Elizabeth Banks – cuz she rocked the SHIT out of it. Holy hell she cracked me UP. I think she was channeling Paris Hilton – no kidding. So super proud of her.

I gasped when the Tributes were led into the Capitol arena for the first time to be presented. I swooned over Lenny Kravitz as Cinna – seriously, there is never a time that man does not look drop dead gorgeous. And from the moment Katniss and the rest of the Tributes went up in the tubes, I was on the edge of my seat. I jumped, I squealed, I chewed my nails, I cried, I grabbed Ben’s arms, I thought about throwing my shoes at people who were talking. And at the end – when the first credits rolled – I cried out, “NO!! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!?!?!” and Benjamin started laughing at me.

Benjamin said it moved a little too fast for him – he wanted more character development and build up to the Games themselves. Which I can understand, and I probably would have felt the same if I’d read the book – because you just get attached to your own vision of events. But I must say, from the point of view of someone that had only been introduced to the main characters – I was completely and utterly transfixed – a herd of stampeding elephants couldn’t have moved me from that theater seat. And Benjamin? Despite the minor temporal faux pas, he freakin’ loved it too.

I want to read the book. See it again. And then again with the people that I didn’t get to see it with the first and second times. Then I want to read the other two books. And I’ll read them all again before going to the midnight release of the next movie. And when the last movie comes out and they do the all-night marathon of all 3 movies in a row I will pay the $30 to go to that, after having just read all three books again. This is nearly a Harry Potter level of devotion y’all.

Go. See it. Revel in it. See it more than once. And go soon, because part of the magic is getting to hear everyone squeal, and cry, and cheer, and stand and applaud at the end. Let it invade your imaginations my friends, it’ll leave you breathless and heartbroken, exhilarated and begging for more.

Psssst, hey you…yeah, you. Guess what? I Thought This Would Be Easier has a Facebook page, and dabbles in that Twitter jazz under her super-creative pseudonym “@ITTWBEblog“. There’s also some linkys on the right that you could click to follow. Just head on up there and tap on those little guys. Got em? Awesome!!  Now I can dazzle you with random musings. Or spontaneous messages of joy. Or my most recent epic fail. Or pictures of Darth Vader on a unicycle. One of those. Lets call them “surprises”. 

About TexasFenceSupply

Texas Fence Supply closed when Dad retired. Now it's just me (Jamie, Dennis's daughter) selling post extensions out of Denton, TX. Can ship, you pay your own shipping costs.
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361 Responses to Hunger Games: The Full Review

  1. Rai says:

    Jamie you and I are so much alike!! I read all three books in one night, totally paid the horrendous price of being a nearly insane insomniac lunatic the next day, but so worth it! And as soon as the movie ended I wanted to rewatch it immediately! I will be looking forward to the next two with the same anticipation I had for the Harry Potter movies and look forward to possibly joining you for the all night marathon. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      So glad to know someone else beside me and my sis throw caution and responsibility to the wind when it comes to good books LoL =D Yes, we absolutely must marathon together!! And I will totally be in touch for any future Hunger Games viewings!! Thanks so much for stopping by, and hugs!!

    • nova27 says:

      I dont understand how anyone can read 3 books in one night???? Share your tips if you have any as that would be awsome for exam time.

      • JamieRene says:

        LMAOOOOO!!! It has NEVER worked with text books. So sad. I always felt the same. I could never make it through more than half a chapter in a text book before I had to take a break. The writing is always so overly wordy, and just…blah. That’s why I loved college, my major was behavior analysis, and textbooks written by behavior analysts are either (a) written with a bit more entertainment in mind or (b) they get straight to the point. Either way, it was a far cry and a huge improvement on my computer programming texts =P
        My tip for exam prep reading is simple. Highlighters. Scan to get to the main points, forget the flowery verbose crap that’s just there to take up space, highlight those main points. THEN go back and read the chapter, and write a bullet point outline as you go. It cut my reading time in half, condensed my notes, and helped me grasp the CONCEPTS behind what I was learning, so that it wasn’t just tons of rote memorization that I would forget a week after the exam was over =D Oh, and always always work your way through at least half of the problems or end of chapter questions – having practiced writing out your answers always makes those “choose one of the following” essays so much easier!!

      • nova27 says:

        im new to bloggin, its so hard to find a niche that i like, how are u so comfortable sharing your private life on a huge platform?

      • JamieRene says:

        Welcome to the blogging world!! I was very uncertain what to write about at first too – it took me MONTHS before I was comfortable enough to start promoting my blog. I think I’m comfortable with it (A) because I laugh so much at myself, and with age I’ve become totally comfortable with how awkward I am, there’s a lot of those “I can’t believe I just did that!!” moments to share and (B) I can’t actually see people’s reactions LoL
        Everyone has been kind enough to always send me the positive, and for that I am grateful. And it’s nice to throw myself out there, and find so many others that can identify with me. I smile every time someone comments about this or that – it makes the world a little smaller, and makes me realize how much we’re all alike. I just love it. And for that – it’s totally worth it to tell people that I’m rarely found wearing any pants LoL

      • nova27 says:

        thats hilarious! i hate pants too, just in the home tho, im so uncomfetable wearing dresses, im 25, i still am drawn to pick out clothes my mother would pick for me! i live overseas, so recently my mum sent me a dress for my 25th bday, its black and lacy but oversized so its looks like funeral attire! idk why im telling u this but i didnt have the heart to say i hate it, so i said its too nice for a bday party and il keep it for graduation day..i relate to your blog about growing older and wondering where all the time went, grow up dreaming of big things and end up a little stagnant in our mud pile of self doubt.

      • JamieRene says:

        It’s taken me DECADES to be able to tell my Mom when I just don’t like something – and it’s still horrible to say – because I love it when my mom has picked something out for me, or is bequeathing one of her outfits to me, I love that she’s thinking of me when I’m not there and that of all the people she knows she most wanted to give this or that to me. Now I must say, most of the time she’s spot on, over the past 32 years my Momma’s learned a lot about my style – it’s just on the rare occasion that I have to say “I probably won’t really wear that Momma”, it doesn’t really phase her, but I HATE saying it, it makes me feel terrible =P
        I love that you relate to the blog. I think finding friends – bloggy or otherwise – makes us a little bit stronger. It makes things a little bit easier, each day a little bit less heavy, to know there’s someone out there – thinking the same thing – fighting the same fight =) We’re all having to be grown-ups on the same planet, no matter how far apart we are. And seriously, you’ve just got to be able to vent to somebody, cuz this shit can get crazy =D I hope you keep reading, and I can’t wait to see your blog grow. Don’t worry, you’ll find your niche – and you’ll have a blast!! You’ve got AT LEAST one more reader out here =D

  2. i am looking forward to seeing this more and more. first, gotta wait for april to read the book free on my kindle. been loving the energy around this movie, for sure.

  3. I went to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games on Thursday night and couldn’t help but watch it again on Saturday. I thought it was a great film adaptation – love love LOVED it.

    Can’t wait to see it again!! And may I say that I think Josh Hutcherson makes for the perfect Peeta? I actually met him, Liam Hemsworth and Alexander Ludwig when they were in Toronto last Monday. I’m still starstruck!

  4. bitchesincorporated says:

    I read all three books before seeing the movie. I was excited, yet dreading that they’d leave out or alter so much of the story that I wouldn’t care for the film. I actually had to give myself a pep talk, to remind myself to treat the movie as a different vision than the book.

    The movie surpassed my wildest expectations. I was enthralled from beginning to end. The movie actually told a fuller story than the books. I think I’ve found something to fill up some of the Potter sized void in my heart left from last summer. I’m rereading The Hunger Games and I can’t wait to see Catching Fire on the big screen.

    • JamieRene says:

      Just about everyone I know finished all the book before the film too – I think everyone was rather nervous. I’m so glad to hear that it surpassed your expectations, I had so much fun watching it, and it makes me feel like I won’t be disappointed once I’ve read the books!! And dude, my Potter void has been heartwrenching, I am so in the same boat as you. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog, I can’t wait to check yours out, I love the name!!

      • bitchesincorporated says:

        I’m still in the denial part of grieving Harry Potter: rereading the books, rewatching the movies, not really accepting the fact that my favorite story and my childhood are officially over. And that sentence makes it sound like I need therapy. -_-

        I hope you enjoy The Hunger Games books. 🙂

  5. ramseur says:

    I’m much like you. There are those important things in the books that if left out make the movie unwatchable. I can’t wait until you finish the books and watch the movie again. Then I want to hear how awesome the movie was. 😉 You’ll love the books!

  6. Used Service Trucks says:

    I absolutely loved this movie – though not being familiar with the books or story I honestly had to go see it a second time to appreciate it. I expect to pick up the books as well.

    • JamieRene says:

      I was a little worried, too, that not having read the books would take something away from my enjoyment of the film. That’s what happened to me with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – I actually had to hit up Wikipedia during the film to sort things out =P But I was super thrilled when that didn’t happen with Hunger Games – it was absolutely AWESOME =D Thanks so much for dropping by!!

  7. Anna Smith says:

    I loved the movie so much. My dad, boyfriend and I waited in line for four hours for the midnight premiere. It was beyond worth it! There is a girl that I met that has been bashing it. Craziness.

    • JamieRene says:

      Ahhh I so miss the hours and hours of waiting for midnight premieres – I did that for all except the first two Harry Potters =D I love seeing everyone that’s dressed up, brought their books with them, and hearing all the chatter about whether this or that scene will be in the film. I’m surprised to hear about mega-bash-girl, perhaps she just needs to go see it again LoL – I can’t imagine not appreciating even one or two parts of the movie. So sad. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!! =D

  8. Patsy says:

    I love your review! And I love that I’m not the only one who is approaching this with Harry Potter level of devotion. I thought midnight showing were reserved for HP and crew, but NO MORE. Even as a “grown up” with a career who has to be at work on Fridays, BRING ON CATCHING FIRE. I cannot wait. And might even see The Hunger Games twice. And buy a mockingjay pin to go on my backpack next to my deathly hallows keychain. I am not ashamed!!

    • JamieRene says:

      HUZZAH!!! YES GIRL!! ROCK THE HP AND HUNGER GAMES PARAPHERNALIA!! I have a Deathly Hallows car sticker on order, and I full intend to land a Mocking Jay pin. And I also have a Rainbow Brite sleeping bag, just so ya know. I think YOU are AWESOME =D Here’s to Catching Fire, and all the fun in between!!

  9. CJ says:

    OMG! I loved the book and have not seen the movie, crazy I know. Your review was great! You reexcited me and now I really, really want to see the movie. My only suggestion to you is read the books! I am on the thrid one and I’m on the edge of my seat.

    • JamieRene says:

      Yay!! I’m so glad my review got you stoked to see it, I hope you absolutely love it!! I’m reading the books now, and I will definitely be chatting all about them as soon as I finish!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog =D

  10. I cried like a baby during multiple parts of this movie — any moms (or mommies) out there need to be prepared for that. It’s heartbreaking, indeed!

    That said, it was a wonderful flick … and my entire family (including children) couldn’t stop talking about it all weekend. It inspired amazing conversations about government, society, entertainment, morality and more.

    I’m a HUGE fan now…


    • JamieRene says:

      Sigh. Can I just say how much I LOVE that your family was inspired to talk about the “Big Issues” as a result of the movie?? My family was always super big on discussing our views on the world-in-general after movies, plays, concerts, book, even the news. I feel these conversations really inspired my sister and I to actually THINK and form our own opinions about the world we’re living in – and that the ability to make our own decisions helped shape us into the strong, intelligent people we are today. It warms my heart to hear that your family has sit-down discussions too =D And oh sweet cheeses, I cried so hard my mother-in-law laughed at me and handed me a napkin, so I’m right there with ya!! So happy to hear you’re a huge fan, and thanks so so much for taking the time to visit my blog!!

  11. jennpav says:

    I can’t wait to see it!
    Thanks for the great review!

  12. cometothewell says:

    It’s nice to read a review from someone who loved it so much. I had that much exuberance going in, and was so disappointed by how bad the filmography was, I am having a hard time even liking the movie. However, you are right about one thing: while I was unsure about almost every casting decision, the cast was brilliant. I can’t oversell that point too much–completely, utterly brilliant.

    It’s too bad the directing and editing was so bad.

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh I’m so sorry you were so disappointed – honestly, I’ve had that happen to me so so so many times. I was absolutely infuriated by the movie adaptation of Mystic River, so I totally understand where you’re coming from. Perhaps they’ll do better with Catching Fire?? I’m really hoping that I love the film as much after finishing the book, but we’ll just have to wait and see =D Thanks so much for stopping by, and thanks for taking the time to comment!!

      • cometothewell says:

        Well, congrats on making Freshly Pressed! I felt as though, even with not having the good experience I had hoped for, my comments (which were made in good faith) would be taken kindly. And they were! I’ll be following your blog now.

      • JamieRene says:

        Wow!! Thanks so much for the congrats, and for following. And I’m glad you had a positive commenting experience here – I dislike sites where people get their heads bitten off just for stating their personal opinion – we should all feel free to share openly. I look forward to checking out your blog as well, and will feel most comfortable commenting there!!

  13. I have to agree with Ben a tad, I do wish there had been a little more character development (I wanted it to be gut-wrenching whenever a character died!)

    But I suppose a movie can only be too long.

    Oh, and Gail was too pretty. Far, far too pretty he stood out like a sore thumb. The actor was fine, they just needed to give him some scratch marks or throw dirt on his face or something. Someone who hangs out in the woods and hunts all of the time should appear a little more on the rugged side, ya know?

    I also didn’t feel like they were able to fully capture how psychologically dramatizing the games were, but that is always hard to do in film, especially if they needed to keep their PG-13 rating,

    • JamieRene says:

      I thought he was too pretty too!! And I’d only made it through 2 chapters!! Yes, scratches and dirt face would have been very helpful LMAO
      And you know how I felt about the film length, considering I shouted at the screen that I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I completely agree that it was probably difficult to convey the psychological effects of the Games, because so much of that is internalized when – ya know – you’re hiding from people that want to kill you with swords and sticks. But with a PG-13 rating, I can see where they might hit a few snags as far as being totally open about psych trauma. Thanks for the awesome comments, and thanks so much for stopping by!!

  14. Fantastic review. I do agree with the comment that some things were a little too rushed for me, but overall I enjoyed this very much. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      I’m really looking forward to seeing it again after finishing the book – it seems a lot of people are in agreement that it was rather rushed and I’m very interested to see if I agree!! Thanks bunches for dropping by =D

  15. hermosausaadmin says:

    You’ve definitely got to finish reading the series! I’m a middle school librarian & my students and I were practically rabid for this movie to come out this weekend! I agree with Benjamin & felt like everything was rushed, but still felt they did a great job of adapting the novel to the movie. I wonder if even just 20 minutes more runtime would’ve accomplished more development and I would venture a guess that fans would’ve stayed for a 3hr movie. If one didn’t read the books, the movie certainly made one want to consider reading them. I was thoroughly impressed with the casting and acting. Woody Harrelson did a great job at balancing the cynicism+alcoholism with warmth+humanity, making Haymitch a more likeable character than in the books, which I really appreciated. Lenny Kravitz as Cinna made me swoon. Elizabeth Banks as Effie…spot on! Josh Hutcherson’s performance as Peeta took my breath away. He made my heart ache with just that one look to Katniss in the cave. Jennifer Lawrence brought Katniss to life perfectly and as unassumingly as the character herself- at least that’s how she made it look. ^_^ Loved your review & congrats on being FP! Have a great week ahead! ~Marianne

    • JamieRene says:

      20 more minutes would’ve been perfect!! I think that would have been totally doable, and I seriously doubt anyone would have complained =P Regarding all of your character comments – YES!! YES!! AND MORE YES!! Thanks for the congrats and thanks so so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave such wonderful comments =D

  16. faithlooksup says:

    Nice post! I saw the movie and it’s exceptional. One lesson I learned was: Never let fear get in the way of reaching your potential. Katniss didn’t believe herself to be well-liked (and that’s one of the ways to get the “sponsors” to help you through the game), yet with the help of those around her she gained friendships, it just took her the courage to tap into a trait she didn’t think she had. I’ve often believed the book is far better because you read what the characters’ thoughts are, but if a film was to capture the entire book (I don’t think there would be many hours in the day to watch it). I definitely would recommend seeing the movie.

    • JamieRene says:

      Yes, definitely, all of that – I completely agree with you!! I am totally giving you the gold star for “insightful comment of the day” =D Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!

  17. LOVED the movie. Loved the books and loved your review :).

  18. Allison says:

    After I came out of the movie, I wondered what people who didn’t read the books would think. I think they did a great job of capturing the “high” points though and can’t wait for Catching Fire. I’ve been telling friends who haven’t read the book to wait to see the movie after they’ve at least finished the first book. Readers have the advantage when seeing the movie as we have all the back story to make each scene mean more. Glad to hear you liked it, regardless.

    • JamieRene says:

      Yes, I’m thinking now that there’s a lot of the character’s thoughts that I would like to be clued into and I look forward to having that in my arsenal when I see the movie for the second time. I’m finishing the first book now, so I’m thinking I’ll be seeing the movie for round two this weekend =D Thanks for stopping by!!

  19. I really liked the movie a lot, and am glad that we braved the opening weekend crush to see it. Of course, like usual, the book was better – and quite a lot was left out. I agree that the casting was brilliant – hello Stanley Tucci! Enjoy the rest of the books and congrats on being freshly pressed!

    • JamieRene says:

      Yes!! Opening weekend is always the best, despite the crowds – it’s so exciting!! And I’m kind of starting to love the fact that I haven’t finished the book yet, everyone keeps hinting there’s all these goodies to discover!! I can’t wait to finish reading it to fill in the gaps =D Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!

  20. Cheyenne.B says:

    The movie was amazing! they left out/changed a couple of things from the book but I will get over it.
    Thank you Gary Ross for not screwing this one up!

    • JamieRene says:

      I cannot wait to finish the book and find out what the movie missed!! I’m so anxious that I just can’t read fast enough!! Thanks for stopping by =D

  21. Alice says:

    Jennifer Lawrence is awesome! I do like “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins but movie disappointed me.

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh, bummer – I’m so sorry to hear you were disappointed. I hope I still feel the same way about it after I’ve finished the book. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that Catching Fire is a better experience for you!! And thanks so much for visiting my blog =D

  22. I just saw the movie last night, didn’t even know that there was a book series. I really liked the movie I give it a 10 out of 10. Now i have to read the first book to see what wasn’t in the movie. A lot of people have different opinions, my opinion is id rather watch the movie and get the full effect of the experience. It’s just my way of not being disappointed when i find out they left something important out.

  23. aprilslife says:

    I absoultly loved this movie aswell. I hope that the other two movies will be just as good. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      Me too!! I can’t wait until the release casting for the second book – and I will have read all 3 by then too!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog =D

  24. brains says:

    try to make movie reviews about the movie. not about you. i realize that this is not just a regular review. it’s a fun, playful review. but it’s better that more of your words be about the movie.

  25. ramaink says:

    Love your review! I am fairly trilling…”AWESOME!!!”…after reading it. I am gonna take my sonny to watch it. FAIRLY SOON!!! (Thank you for the adrenaline rush! :))
    And like you, I simply HAFTA stay up till the wee hours of the morning until I finish books like these.(I simply devoured these.) Its an addiction I tell you!
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!!

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks so much for the congratulations, and for your kind words about the review!! I am so excited for the two of you to go see the movie, I hope that you love it, and that you get one of those amazing theater crowds that cheers and cries and applauds at the end =D Thanks bunches for stopping my blog as well!!

  26. Begin An Adventure says:

    I saw the movie last night and, like you, have yet to finish the books. First, yes, I agree the character development in the beginning of the movie was lacking. BUT -> the story was awesome. Complete, and overall, probably the best story development in a movie I have seen in a long long time.
    HOWEVER –>> This is a big however….

    I wanted to kill the cinematographer.
    The shaky cam throughout the entire movie was WAY too much. I got completely motion sick. I think the overall movie (and story line) would have benefited from a few panoramic and ‘spy cam’ (in the woods) shots. The shaky cam was a cheap way to make a good fight scene without having to choreograph extensive fighting (In the Bourne Identity series, they used the shaky cam in the chase and fight scenes and it translated well to screen because of the wide shots which were mixed in). The best use of shaky cam vs. panoramic shots can be seen in the Lord of the Ring trilogy. The shaky cam ADDED to the ‘adventure’ scenes without detracting from the story or the panorama of the setting.

    Unfortunately, in The Hunger Games, the director used the shaky cam in places where it was unwarranted. To me, it just translated as shoddy filmmaking and actually did the story a dis-service.

    I’m probably just being a movie snob, but I hope they fix it in the next two movies otherwise I don’t know if I could sit through them (although, in actuality I probably will, just because I’m a movie whore and I’ll be done with reading the books by then).

    • JamieRene says:

      I agree the shaky cam was a little weird, mostly because I’m a detail oriented person, and I noticed that none of the action cams that were actually in the dome were mounted anywhere that would have been moving during the fight scenes. So as far as I’m concerned, having a cam respond like it was attached to someone’s hat was inaccurate LoL – but that’s just me being over-observant. And I LOVE Lord of The Rings by the way. And also, I say you should full on rock your movie snob socks – I rock my literature snob socks =D Here’s hoping for less shake in Catching Fire!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  27. Wa Makeri says:

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed, and THANK YOU for being Freshly Pressed! Hadn’t heard of Hunger Games before my friend blogged about them. Will ask her to drop by your blog, as I read up on them!

    • JamieRene says:

      WoW!! Thanks so much for the congrats, and for recommending someone to my blog – that absolutely means the world to me!! Hope you love the Hunger Games btw!! =D

  28. I listened to all three books on my ipod a year or so ago and LOVED them! So haven’t actually READ them, but loved the audiobooks/story. I do still read actual books a lot too, but it’s so much easier to clean the kitchen and go for a run listening to an audiobook rather than trying to hold a book at the same time! I thought the movie was great… spot on! Thanks for your views!

  29. The Hook says:

    My daughter and i will be back in line soon! Great review, by the way…

  30. lythya says:

    Meh. I really wasn’t that astounded with it. Of course I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I thought the story was disappointing. You say less build up to the arena? I say fine! That was what I thought was lacking in the books 😉 I think the games are really underestimated by their own creator.

    • JamieRene says:

      Oooo!! Very intriguing!! Makes me want to work my way through the books even more. I’d be interested to know what you end up thinking of the movie adaptation =D Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!

      • lythya says:

        Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing it 🙂 And np it was interesting to read someone else’s opinion. (for once XD)

      • lythya says:

        Hey, it’s a long time since you commented back. I can tell that I, surprisingly, prefer the book to the movie. I had high expectations to the movie, I thought they could use a lot of film tricks and elements to make it better. But mostly I was just bored 😦

      • I think a lot of HG fans felt the same way, so you’re not alone there. Hopefully the producers will up the ante a bit for the next film and give us something really spectacular!! Benjamin felt that some critical elements in the story line were left out of the movie, but it was all super fun for me because I hadn’t read the books yet 🙂 Here’s hoping round two of the movies is mind blowing!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! 🙂

      • lythya says:

        No problem ;D
        I don’t think I’ll watch the second, though. I mean, otherwise I could watch all kinds of stuff with the excuse that “oh well I hope it’ll be better in a few movies” x) But then again, I was never a fan to begin with XD
        And I’m sort of double crossing myself, cause for some reason I keep watching those twilight movies despite disliking them :S

      • Hahaha!! I’ve had several things that I’ve continued to watch for the “train wreck” effect, I can totally understand where you’re coming from there!! 🙂

      • lythya says:

        Haha, that’s the effect that made me buy the witch series beyond no. 35

      • Oh yes my friend, I know, how well I know. I have one series word for you….Vampirates. Please don’t tell anyone. Ohhhh the shame…..

      • lythya says:

        Haha, now I’m glad I never read it. Desperate Houswives is probably mine. I took that a bit too far. But am proud to say I stopped at least three season before the finale!

      • I managed to steer clear of the Housewives!! Congrats on your recovery LOL

      • lythya says:

        Glad to be back. I played diablo 3 instead of watching it. Lol, win 😀

  31. 2chicgurls says:

    The Hunger Games was so good! We loved it, almost too much!All the tributes, Prim, and Gale were amazing too, but we think Peeta stole the show. 🙂
    Great post, congrats on being freshly pressed!

    • JamieRene says:

      Peeta was amazing!! And I wasn’t even familiar with his character yet (I have actually met him in the book now – made it to that chapter last night) =D Thanks so much for the congrats, and thanks tons for taking the time to stop by!!

  32. heathermcamp says:

    I so agree with you on all points – I LOVED the portrayal of the dystopian world, from the districts to the capitol.

    Hubby & I saw this at the drive-in this past Friday night – in spite of the rain, the movie was excellent. Sure, there were some minor deviations from the book – but they were acceptable deviations, as they don’t change the plot. My youngest daughter, who was assigned The Hunger Games as a mandatory reading assignment the second semester of her 6th grade AG English class, went to see the movie at the theater with her friends Friday night. She & I texted non-stop after the movie was over… she also loved it.

    Yes, it’s an epic of Harry Potter proportions. As for those comparing the movie/books to the Twilight movies/books… Katniss Everdeen is a far worthier role model than Bella Swan ever dreamed of being – Katniss is more in Hermione’s league than in Bella’s. Do read all three books soon – because you’ll see the movie through new eyes once you’ve read all three books.

    • heathermcamp says:

      PS – Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh!! I love your comments!! YES!! Bella Swan is not a very worthy role model – I completely agree. Katniss and Hermione are far more suitable!! And I’m so anxious to finish the books now, I hardly stand it =D There will be further posts from me once I know the whole story – of that I have no doubt!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  33. Denise says:

    Really enjoyed your take on The Hunger Games, I went to see it yesterday and loved it even though I have not read the books (my 17 year old has though!) Looking forward to following you – hello from Belfast!

    • JamieRene says:

      WoW!! Belfast!?! Thanks so much for telling me where you’re posting from, that’s just amazing, and totally made my day!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the review, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to have a new follower =D I’m looking forward to checking out your blog as well!!

      • Denise says:

        Awh thanks for that! I love art as you will see and if you’re interested my twin sis also has a wordpress for her stuff! Happy blogging x

  34. Congrats on Fresh Pressed.

    I agree with you. If I start a series I have to read all of them at once.

    I loved how they kept the flow of the movie and though there were some parts changed or not there overall it was a great film that I’d love to watch again. (I went to a midnight showing dressed as a Capital citizen. I even caught a HG poster!) I agree the shaky cam was a little much, but I suppose it couldn’t quite be helped. The movie captured me from the very beginning and I love how they had showed what was going on besides the Arena and did show some behind the scenes.

    My mother even loved it and didn’t play on her cell or ask loads of questions. The movie explained it all and kept her attention. (As it did me, when I got up and found my arm locked up from how I was sitting for the 2 1/2 – 3 hours).

    It is a movie that is sure to get better as it progresses and I know for sure I am getting them all when they are in DVD form. ❤

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks bunches for the congrats!! I can hardly believe I’m up there =P And I LOVE LOVE that you dressed up for the release, and landed a poster. I’m a total sci-fi convention junkie, so dressing up is on my list of most favorite things to do EVER. I didn’t give my arms or knees a chance to lock up, because I couldn’t stop fidgeting – I was so nervous because I didn’t know what was going to happen!! I bit off almost all of my fingernails LoL
      I can’t wait to see Catching Fire, and I will for sure order all the DVD’s as well =D Thanks so much for visiting!!

  35. As a huge Hunger Games fan I have to say your review was amazing. That and GO READ THE BOOKS!

    The movie was amazing and I felt that it did the book justice (a rarity when it comes to books being made into movies). Yes it had issues, but it was gripping and tense even though I knew what was going to happen.

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

    – Kali

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks bunches for the congrats!! It’s my first time being up there, and I must say, it’s overwhelming in the best way possible =P I’m reading the books now, I promise!! I’d say no later than next weekend I’ll have read them all =D Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!

  36. cricketmuse says:

    Lawrence made the movie rock otherwise it would have been mediocre. They could only squeeze so much into two hours. I’m glad Collins had some say so in the script. It must have been difficult to decide what to leave in and edit out of the plot.
    Happy Pages,

    • JamieRene says:

      I think most viewers have found the movie could have benefitted from more play time – perhaps they’ll take that into consideration when filming Catching Fire? I wouldn’t mind a 3 or even 4 hour movie at all LoL
      I was thrilled to hear the author was there for filming, when you love a book it’s wonderful to know you’re seeing the author’s mind come to life in the film =D Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  37. lms398 says:

    yay! I’ve been trying not to read reviews, but found myself googling or facebook stalking for them anywho, and you somehow made me even more excited to go see it! Tickets are reserved for me and the better half on Wednesday night at the fancy schmancy movie theater (don’t guilt trip me with a Capitol quip..I want no distractions during this one!) – I may have had a midnight release of a Twilight movie occurrence when two women decided to bring crying, cooing newborns.

    • JamieRene says:

      LMAOOOOO!!! I’m so glad the post made you more excited to see the movie, and I love that you’re going to see it in the fancy schmancy theater!! And I also do the whole “I’ll not read any reviews” thing and end up sneaking them into my brain paragraph by paragraph anyway – AND I get mad when I find out something I don’t want to know (like it’s not my fault entirely) =P So glad you stopped by!! Thanks for the comments!!

      • lms398 says:

        I KNOW! People love conveniently forgetting the “Spoiler Alerts!” I admit, I do love doing that to my boyfriend just to drive him nutty, but not to the masses! haha. Looking forward to reading more from you 🙂 I’ll have to write my own review after seeing it on Wednesday!

      • JamieRene says:

        Yes!! Please do!! I can’t wait to read it!!

  38. linzster says:

    I loved the movie, too. The books do get worse, unfortunately. I went Friday night. I think they did the book justice and made a compelling stand-alone movie.

    Good post! And gratz on freshly pressed!

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks so much for the congratulations!! I’m completely intrigued by everyone’s views on the movie/books, I can’t wait to finish the series just to see what I think!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, and thanks for visiting!!

  39. losingmonica says:

    you had me laughing! this is the first of your blogs i read and i enjoyed it oh-so-much. i was a zombie as i read through all three books- let us know when you’ve become a zombie yourself and tell us if it was worth it. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      Yes I will!! I can’t wait to zombie out – started my zombification by diving into the first book last night =D I’m so stoked you enjoyed the post!! I promise to offer up my thoughts on the books, and thanks so much for dropping by!!

  40. I can’t wait to watch it! And read the books. Go on. You know you want to.

  41. munchick10 says:

    hello i have a question for you…
    Have you read all of the books because if you haven’t you should
    please check out my blog

    thank you Jacob Hopkins

  42. elizabeth says:

    hahahahahhaahahha that was a great review!

  43. mymissah says:

    what a well-written review! i love the way you describe your feelings regarding the movie adaptation. must go watch it myself.
    great blog too-following you now 🙂

  44. Ryan Sprout says:

    Great review! Just saw this on opening night – amazing! Love reading the review on it though even though I didn’t read the book!

    • JamieRene says:

      I’m completely thrilled you enjoyed the review!! And that you loved the movie too!! I’m picking up the books to finish them now, so there’ll be more Hunger Games related posts in the future =D Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  45. originalwynie says:

    I love your review. I`ve read all three book and i fully encourage everyone to read them. I havn`t seen the movie yet, but i`m going to soon! And when i first got news of the casting i tried to interpret them into my visions of the character and they fit quite good actually. Their acting i`ll have to judge for myself. But i must say from all the reviews i`ve read THE MOVIE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!!!

  46. J Roycroft says:

    Full Review? You should have called this your “Opinion.” You cannot possibly give a full review since you haven’t read the books yet. Just by reading your observations I can tell that you aren’t very familiar with the story line. When you finish the books go back and watch the movie and then give your “full review.”

    • JamieRene says:

      I appreciate your honest response, and your taking the time to read the post. I sincerely hope there are other reviews available that meet the standards of such an avid fan as yourself.

      • J Roycroft says:

        Trust me…My wife read the entire series well before the movie ever came out and once she saw it, it was a bit of a disappointment for her. I won’t spoil it for you with details since you have a reading journey ahead of you. One detail that didn’t fit was how healthy some of the folks appeared. Think about it…they were fighting for food. There is also the thing with the Mockingjay, you’ll have to read further to understand the importance of that little item as opposed to how it was presented in the movie. I didn’t mean to sound harsh in my comment and I apologize if I came across that way.

      • JamieRene says:

        I didn’t even think about the fact that none of them looked like they were starving – although now that I’ve made it farther into the book, I think I actually would have noticed that in the movie…very good point. And now I’m super intrigued to find out about the Mockingjay thing – I feel there’s so much that occurs in books that they don’t have time to convey in films. I looking forward to putting all the pieces together =)
        Also, everyone is welcome to comment and be honest about their opinion – I’ll consider all of them as thoughtfully as possible. Thanks so much for your concern, I was not offended, but the fact that you would think to apologize just in case is very very kind, and very much appreciated. I look forward to searching for the details missed by the movie, per your recommendations, and thanks again for stopping by!!

  47. kimmiebee says:

    I fully recommend you read the books they are amazing. Depending on how fast a reader you are it doesn’t take that much time to read them, they are not that long. I read all three books in a day, granted I didn’t do much else that day and I did not sleep until I had fiished the third one.

    I enjoyed reading your review. I am going to see the film tomorrow and have been very much looking forward to it :).
    I have been told though that people who have read the book are dissapointed by some of the stuff that has been missed out. I was however also told that alot had to be cut out to make it a 12A (PG13).

    • JamieRene says:

      Congrats on getting to go see it tomorrow!! I hope you have a great theater crowd with lots of cheering and clapping!! I’m also glad to hear of yet another person who loved the books so much, they read them through without sleeping LoL
      There was actually another comment today about things being cut from the film to keep the rating – I’m really interested to finish the book to find out what was likely cut!! Thanks so much for stopping by =D

  48. trujillok says:

    I have to say, I agree with you on about everything. I encourage you to read the books, I literally finished the first one just one day before I saw the movie. Sure, there was a couple inaccuracies, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. The portrayal of all of the characters was spot on, and the filmmakers/FX people did a FANTASTIC job. Very well written review!

    • JamieRene says:

      OooOoOo!! I love the race to finish a book at the very last minute before the movie, it’s so exciting!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the review, and of course that you enjoyed the movie so much as well =D Here’s to Catching Fire being equally as amazing, and thanks so much for visiting!!

  49. Tiffany D says:

    Reblogged this on Unusual Stranger -_- and commented:
    Jadi pingin nonton ._.

  50. ammarla says:

    I agree in whole totality! To everything! If that was even possible. I know that the credits are soon to flash (’cause I read all three book in one day) but I still can’t accept that the credits are already rolling. Too much! But in everything you stated, I should say that “the near potter devotion” was what exactly I was feeling. It feels really good to have something to look forward to! We should probably take JKR and SC together and let them write a collab! hahaha

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh man!! The collaborative would be so intense!! I’d love to see what they came up with!! I think all us dyed in the wool Harry Potter junkies are relieved to have something else to shine our affections on LoL, where would we be without midnight releases, honestly?? Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  51. Good review. I saw the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it mostly, I think, because I hadn’t read the book and didn’t really know what to expect. I decided to see the movie strictly based on all the hype.

    As for Lenny Kravitz, I must agree with you…never has a man with gold eye-liner looked so good!

    And Elizabeth Banks was great. I LOVED her costumes and the costumes of the residents of the Capitol.

    Also, I’m unsure of the character’s name/little girl from District 11 who befriended Katniss, but she looked familiar…did you see Colombiana? Was she the younger Zoe Saldana?

    • JamieRene says:

      Glad you enjoyed the review!! And regarding Lenny Kravitz, I was totally thinking the same thing!! He can wear ANYTHING. I read an article before the movie came out that the entire cast would get together in his room when they weren’t on the clock to try on his clothes – can you imagine getting to wear Lenny Kravitz’s PANTS!?!
      And I’m gonna look Colombiana up, maybe it’s available on Netflix?? I’ll have to check it out for sure. At the very least I’ll IMDB it =D

  52. Oh yeah, and I forgot to say my new favorite line (at least for the next week or so): “May the odds be ever in your favor!”

  53. hawkeye83 says:

    Reblogged this on HeavyMetalThoughts and commented:
    I saw the movie last night. I HAVE read al three books. And this is a funny, yet accurate review. Once you’re finished reading it – go see the movie!

  54. Joanna says:

    You really should read the books, their awesome! I mean, once you read it you won’t be able to put it down. I loved the movie despite them changing it around a bit.

    • JamieRene says:

      Finishing the first one now – thinking I’ll have them all read by sundown on Sunday =D I look forward to seeing the movie again after having all the book details stored away in my memory!! Thanks for dropping by!!

  55. barbaranitoa says:

    I was one of the first people in my school to read the book, in the sixth grade. Then, it was like an obsession. The lower grades started to catch on, and then the movie came out. That sent everyone reeling. we planned to see the movie like, two months before it came out. Now, we are eighth graders and we are so, so stupid. Check out this website to see us fail epicly.
    I suggest you read “About” first, or else your will be totally confused.

    • JamieRene says:

      I LOVE that you guys did this!! Epic fail is my middle name by the way, and I think your blog is amazing. Rock on my nerdy 8th grade friends, if I’d known you guys when I was in school, those days would have been a lot more fun. Stay safe at lunch!! I look forward to hearing all about the “games” =D

  56. I had very high expectations for this movie, and it surpassed my expectations! The only thing that I hated is that it wasn’t even longer. I did not want this movie to end! The two and a half hours flew by, as I was engrossed in every moment. I want to fast forward time just to see the other two films right now… Not that I need to get any older faster, but none the less, I am looking forward to seeing more!

    • JamieRene says:

      You and I are on a list of almost a dozen that would have like the movie to be longer LoL!! Engrossing is exactly the right word. And I know how you feel about wanting to fast-forward, I hate even having to wait between season finales and premiers for TV shows =P So sad LoL
      Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  57. Al Bacani says:

    Awesome review and no mention of Battle Royale! 🙂
    I haven’t seen the movie yet but have read the books over a year ago.
    This review made me all giddy and excited to watch it this week! 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      Huzzah for being giddy!! I love that the review got you totally stoked to go see it!! I can’t wait to hear what you think!! And thanks for dropping by =D

  58. Pingback: Freshly (Im)pressed. « I Thought This Would Be Easier

  59. Jake Samson says:

    I was actually pleasantly surprise that the movie was good / even as intense as the book though I agree with Benjamin, I wished the whole “Hunger Games” part could’ve been established more. Anyway, I read all 3 books in like 3-4 days because I got really hooked on the whole premise. Overall, the film was really good. If you haven’t seen it, go to the nearest cinema. Now.

    • JamieRene says:

      I’m really looking forward to the preface of the Games that’s explained in the books – several commenters have mentioned it, and I now I’m just dying to know what I’m missing. Thanks so much for visiting!!

      • Jake Samson says:

        I was hoping that they’d end the film with Snow announcing the next Hunger Games… (and its theme) – it would’ve been an awesome cliffhanger.

  60. ururu5 says:

    Google “Battle Royale”.. watched/read it more than 10 years ago.. i think Battle Royale have more plot than Hunger Games.. so i kinda like BR more than HG.. hehe.

  61. Chizzy says:

    I don’t think there’s any need repeating what everyone has already said. The Movie is a Quick-Paced Out-of-this-world Cinematic Genius. But, I have a question for you Jamie (seeing that I’ve not gotten the luxury of reading any of the books)- To you, can Suzanne Collins take the place of J. K. Rowling? …or has she already?

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh, no one can take the place of JK Rowling in my heart – Harry Potter will always be my truest love. I think Suzanne Collins has created an awesome series, and an epic story – but it’s not Harry Potter. I will enjoy them both fully, in their own right, with respect due to both…while waiting for my Hogwarts letter in the mail =D

      • wholohan says:

        Hey Jamie, I agree with you the big difference between J.K. and Suzanne is J.K.’s amazing writing skill. Suzanne told a fantastic and page turning story that really sucked me into the world of Panem, but she will never be mistaken as a master of prose. J.K. spun a series of fantasy stories on the level of J.R.R. Tolkein and is really one of the greatest series ever written in my opinion. The real thing about Collins’ writing is it is very fragmented, especially when she was expressing the feelings and thoughts of her main characters. It didn’t take away anything from the story for me but I did notice it.

        On a separate note did you notice in the credits that Collins had a hand in writing the screenplay? I really wish J.K. was asked to assist in the making of the Potter films since they were really terrible adaptations of the books.

      • JamieRene says:

        Re: Your 1st paragraph – there is so much yes happening here, that all I can say is YES.
        Re: Your 2nd paragraph – my Benjamin actually told me about her having a part in the screenplay as we were watching the previews, and I think it’s WONDERFUL. I love that we likely got to see some of it just as Collins saw it in her mind as she was writing it. I too wish J.K. had been involved, especially in Half-Blood Prince – I think that they left some critical elements out of that one that would have caused J.K. to say, “Oh hell no!!” if she’d been a part of it all =D

      • Chizzy says:

        Glad to know #RowlingisstillYourQUeen… She’s mine too. She’s just plain awesome… And yeah, Of all movie adaptations of the Harry Potter series, Half-Blood Prince seemed to have been the one that went off track from the story in Jo’s novels than the other movies.

        *I prefer how the dementors travel in the movies than that of books though…*

  62. Great review! I am so happy with how this movie turned out! I was nervous going into the theater that it would ruin the world I built in my head while reading the books, but it didn’t at all! It was a great adaptation. So well done, and amazingly acted! I think I’m going to have to see it a second time this week haha

  63. Megan says:

    Oh my god, I know EXACTLY how you feel. The moment the movie started, I was riveted and leaned forward the whole time, like if I got close enough, I would be with Katniss and Peeta. And my boyfriend laughed at me but I just flipped him the bird and kept watching.

    It was SO GOOD.

  64. Lawstcase says:

    I haven’t read the books but I watched it on the weekend and really enjoyed it:) It kinda reminds me of the Japanese movie, Battle Royale- have you seen that?
    I also think Elizabeth Banks did an excellent job, her pink eyelashes..=O

    • JamieRene says:

      I’ve heard from a couple different people about Battle Royale – I’m going to need to Google this ASAP – I’m curious about how much they have in common. And pink eyelashes are amazing!! Thanks for dropping by!!

  65. samacwns says:

    I SOOOO can’t wait to see it!! How did you find the violence? Will I be hiding behind my friends? lol

    • JamieRene says:

      Overall, I’d say it lives up to it’s PG-13 rating – there was one scene for sure where I cringed, but it didn’t last long. I think you can hang with it =D Thanks for dropping by!!

  66. I’m also guilty of not reading the books first, partially out of lack of time, but mostly for the reason you listed – I get to enjoy the movie without noticing all the things that were changed. Though now I may have to get on my library wait list for all three so I can devour them, I really can’t wait for more!

  67. We somehow managed a babysitter and saw a late night showing (Is 10:15 late to anyone else?) and LOVED it too. We read the books and died from adaptation perfection. Ben is right, I wish there was a little more time for the other tributes because I didn’t realize it was Foxface until she died. I at least wanted all of their names. And I want to see it again! We should go to the triple feature together!

  68. Ah I LOVED the books when I read them last year, and I can’t wait to see the film. All my high school students were talking about it today at school, and I am super jealous that they all got to watch it already and I didn’t – I am secretly a 17 year old.

    • JamieRene says:

      Dude, same. I am sometimes secretly still 8 years old. Especially when it comes to rain puddles. That is such a bummer that you got left out!! Fortunately there should still be fun theater crowds that cheer and clap for at least another week, so you can let your inner 17 year old out when it’s too dark for anyone to really see you =D

  69. willtree says:

    Reblogged this on WillowSaurus and commented:
    Hunger Games. Can’t wait till Saturday.

  70. This review got me super excited to see this movie. I can’t wait! I’m currently having to content myself with re-reading the series for the second time and hitting the replay button on the movie trailer. Love The Hunger Games so much. 🙂 Congrats on being Freshly Pressed too!

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks for the congrats and I’m stoked that the review got you all pumped up to see the movie!! I am so excited for you, you’re gonna have the BEST time!!

  71. howanxious says:

    Hmm.. I completed the three books within 36 hours… And I truly didn’t like them much. The movie seems good… may be I’d give it a try. After reading all three of them, I can say Katniss isn’t that strong a character as she seems in the starting of the series. And there are various prolonged dramatic chapters; making it very mundane to read.
    There is no chance of any comparison to Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling’s writing style is much much better.

    • JamieRene says:

      I agree J.K. Rowling is – well – the queen of everything awesome. I’ll be interested to see what you think of the movie…most everyone that had differing opinions between books/movie liked the books but not the movie, if you’re the first one to like the movies but not the books that would be super exciting because it would indicate a series that has something for everyone sorta, ya know? I look forward to your movie review!! And thanks for visiting!!

  72. cuophiepgiet says:

    what an interesting game!

  73. Karen♥ says:

    Great review!
    Haha I had to do mine days after because i needed it to properly sink in first.

    • JamieRene says:

      Oooo!! I’m going to go check yours out!! I just wanted to gush and I totally did!! I can’t wait to read one from the deep thinker’s perspective!! =D

  74. aaminaamjad says:

    You know what I haven’t yet read this book but after reading this book there is something inside me dying to read this a watch a movie as well
    thanks for this post you told me about something i love i just love reading this kind of stuff
    i will stay connect
    i am new in world of word press
    like ur post

    • JamieRene says:

      Welcome to WordPress!! And thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I’m really glad you enjoyed the post!! Hope you love Hunger Games as well!! =D

  75. Jennifer M. says:

    I enjoyed your enthusiastic review! I had my reservations about Woody being cast as Haymitch, but he had me from the moment he appeared on-screen 🙂 The only character I didn’t really like was Gale – I think they could have picked someone better to play him. Otherwise, an amazing movie with a stellar cast!

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.

    • JamieRene says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the review!! I didn’t even know Woody had been cast, but agree he was great. Gale didn’t really do much this round did he? Hopefully they develop his character more fully in Catching Fire??? And thanks bunches for the congrats, as well as for stopping by =D

  76. youwouldalwayswin says:

    Reblogged this on Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming. and commented:
    All the awards for this review!

  77. Shane Lynch says:

    I have to read the books now. Everyone is raving about The Hunger Games but after seeing the movie I am fairly unimpressed. I guess I built it up to much in my mind. At the end all I could think about was the 100 other movies about people fighting to the death in a seemingly insignificant competition (Death Race – Jason Statham and many others). Top notch acting but I think there is always a fan base who overly commits to the brand and story, similar to 10-18 year olds and twilight which makes it hard to really have a conversation about anything. What I’m looking to do here is not to “knock” The Hunger Games. I want to understand and be apart of it if the books are really great but the movie gave me no motivation to read them… please help!

    • JamieRene says:

      Ugh. Twilight is a sore subject in our house. My Benjamin HATES IT. We’re sort of a Star Wars household and he is deeply offended by the box office numbers Twilight brought in. I read the books but was very disappointed by the movies – I didn’t bother seeing any except the first one.
      I think movie adaptations – even this one – are touch and go based on how you envision it as you read. I think there’s an equivalent number of fans that loved it, and that would have made some changes. I think what pulls you in is how it sparks your imagination, and whether you feel empathetic towards the characters. I say check the first book out from the library – and read at least the first three chapters. If you’re still feeling rather unimpressed by it, go for something different. Not everyone MUST like Hunger Games (I’m the only person I know that disliked the movie Titanic, and I’m okay with that LoL) =D

  78. I read the books at around this time last year and then just saw the movie tonight…was not disappointed! I think they did a spectacular job of transposing the intensity and darkness of the books onto the screen. Good review. 🙂

  79. Ipodman says:

    I read the book and I like the movie… although it’s not as good as the first Harry Potter movie o.O

  80. Lotto Results says:

    Nice review but the movie was not nice at all. Didn’t enjoy it.

  81. I was pretty ignorant about this series before, thinking they were just another young adult series of books, but i’m really intrigued by the whole thing now. I’m planning on going to see the film soon and then i’ll probably tackle the books too. As some have said above, it seems pretty similar to Battle Royale in theme – definitely check that out if you don’t mind a spot of blood and gore! Nice review!

    • JamieRene says:

      I MUST KNOW WHAT THIS BATTLE ROYALE THING IS!! I’m so intrigued!! And blood and gore doesn’t bother me a bit – I left the theater after 300 shouting HA-OOH!! HA-OOH!! HA-OOH!! =D

  82. You’re right. It’s often better to see the movie first and then read the book. I’m not a fan of dystopian literature, but I loved the strong female character (Katniss) in this book. Suzanne Collins kept me going with her cliff-hangers at the end of each chapter. Great writing. Can’t wait to see the movie. Thanks for not giving away the whole plot (even though I did read the book).

    • JamieRene says:

      I love that Katniss has such a tender heart, but doesn’t let anyone see it. She tries to stay so strong for those around her. It’s like a badass version of me locking myself in the bathroom to cry…but that’s mostly because it really embarrasses me to have people see me cry…not because I live in a post-apocalyptic society where people are starving and trying to kill me with sticks. So really, not the same at all, in the end =P Nonetheless, I identified with her in my own weird way LoL
      And I’m glad you were excited about something being left to the imagination, I hoped it would be a good thing =D Thanks so much for dropping by!!

  83. aerea011 says:

    Yes, it did lack character development which I’ve already expected from experience. It always happens when I watch movies after I’ve read the books. But one very disappointing part in the movie was that the cameras couldn’t keep steady especially during the reaping. Hell, I felt really dizzy watching that part. I also couldn’t see so much of the action during the part of the mutts. Again, because of the cameras that kept shifting. But it was still great though.

    • JamieRene says:

      I’ve heard that from a lot of people – the shaky camera just did NOT go over well. What I don’t get is where were those cameras supposed to be filming from? It would have made sense to have the cameras mimic the views from the ones that were mounted in the dome. It’s not like it could be first person, because I’ve never run and had the world look shaky. It only does that when a camera is mounted on a hat or goggles or something. But the tributes didn’t have cameras mounted on them. This is an incongruency, and I demand accuracy!! LoL
      Glad you enjoyed the film nonetheless, and thanks for stopping by =D

  84. meghnayadav says:

    Hi Jamie! I just watched the movie and thought that it totally sucked. Okay, maybe not ‘totally’, but it just lacked that ‘something’. Wasn’t gory enough, you couldn’t relate to any of the characters (except Katniss) and at 2 and a half hours…way too stretched out. I had such high hopes about this movie and they crashed in stupendous fashion. You say you like reading and that you would just love to read this book. What i don’t get is why? I have read ‘The Underworld Chronicles’ by Suzanne Collins. My two year old cousin could come up with a better story.
    And what’s with the movie’s ending? ‘Abrupt’ just got a new definition. I get Peeta giving in to the system, because he’s a coward. But why does Katniss? I understand if Suzanne is trying to portray real life and how humans just ‘give in’ to their circumstances but that’s not the stuff movies should be made of. You watch a movie because it shows you that there is still hope for humans. We don’t suck. ‘The Hunger Games’ does not do that.
    It had so much of potential. Such a waste.

    • JamieRene says:

      I totally love your comment – you were totally disappointed, and can tell me exactly why – I think that is AWESOME!! Well done!! Aside from that, I’m sorry they dashed your hopes for the film – that always sucks big time.
      I felt the ending was abrupt too, but I think they were just trying to prep for the next film (nonethless, I still shouted at the screen at the end of the movie). I think I have an idea of why Katniss submitted to the system – and I think it’s related to her sister, by I’m withholding my theory until I’ve finished the books. I think that Katniss and the Hunger Games is the beginning of a longer, more hopeful story – and that’s what made me want to read more. The people of the Districts have started to sort of…simmer. And Katniss made a strong statement with the way she played the games. I think there’s more to come – and I think Katniss is the symbol of hope.
      You’re totally right. We don’t suck. One of my favorite sayings is, “It’s not what happens that matters – it’s how you react to it”. I wanna see how the districts react to Katniss and the Hunger Games and all that they saw. I must know what happens next. That’s what made me want to read the books =D Thanks so much for your comment – it was a fun one to think about, and respond to!!

  85. jlheuer says:

    Congrats on being FP. Now to the movie. I read all three books ( ex-librarian,so naturally) and I think the movie did a great job in 1) casting and 2) translating the story to the screen. My husband, who had not read it, liked it too and only asked a few clarification questions. Sure I would like to have more of the book portrayed but like some of your other commentors have said, the movie would have been hours longer. I felt the same about Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. A book like Hunger Games, from the point of view and in the mind of the main character, is never the same in movie form. However, I would have liked more of Gale.

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks for the congrats!! And also, you are totally my new friend for loving HP and Lord of the Rings too =D I wish there was some sort of national poll that could be taken where we could vote for highly anticipated movies to be 4 hour extravaganzas – I honestly wouldn’t mind. I’ll bring a pillow and a blanket and happily curl up to get the full story. And I agree about Gale – he had what? 5 lines? Maybe 10? I hope there’s more of him in Catching Fire…
      Thanks for dropping by!! =D

  86. ecomom22 says:

    The first book is pretty amazing I was in the middle of reading it when the movie came out – the visual of Lenny and Woody H. helped the book move fast for me, but who’d of thought Effie would look like that. Way better than what I had envisioned. I can’t wait to go see the movie! Now I’m concerned with reading the other two books, but worried I will be left wanting more. 😦 Oh well hopefully all three will be made into movies. your review has encouraged me to go see it – since a lot of people say they are disappointed I was happy to see a review that mirrored my own thinking. Thanks so much! Reblogged to

    • JamieRene says:

      Your Effie comment still has me laughing!! I didn’t expect her to look like that at all either!! I hope you love the movie, and thanks so much for sharing the review =D

  87. Ammon says:

    I loved the books and really, really liked the movie. It was extremely satisfying. If anything, it made me want to re-read the books.

    Every adaptation faces (perhaps unfair?) criticism from fans who obsessively over-analyze ever detail and nuance. In a good/great book you’ve got maybe 6-60 hours to tell a story. In a movie you’ve got 1.5 to 3.5 hours to tell a story.

    • JamieRene says:

      I agree – it’s extremely hard to adapt when taking play time into consideration. I look forward to deciding whether everything was sort of crammed together or not once I finish the first book. I love reading all the comments that give me little clues as to how it compares with the books. It’s like peeking at Christmas presents LoL
      Thanks so much for visiting!! =D

  88. ecomom22 says:

    Reblogged this on ecomom22 and commented:
    Just finishing up the first in the Trilogy and can’t wait to go see the movie! Nice to see a positive review instead of all the meek ones that have been out this week.

  89. Pingback: Hunger Games Review – co0municati0nsandtechnologys

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks so much for sharing this – I enjoyed reading your review as well…and I totally agree with you about the Golden Compass. I love the movie at first, until I read the book and realized how much they had cut out. That is an amazing series and it’s a shame they didn’t do it justice in the adaptation – and also that they’re not filming the rest of the series.

  90. Reblogged this on SixTen Photography and commented:
    Nice sample page to me

  91. nestfullofbirds says:

    I love your candid and honest review of the Hunger Games. I saw the previews and thought “Oh great…this looks stupid. Best to avoid it.” I didn’t even know there were books out about it. And then I heard the hype the week it came out and thought “well, maybe…” so I went to the Blue Fox Drive In in Whidbey Island, WA, 65 miles from my house and watched it. (It’s a drive in, come on! I’d drive a hundred more miles just to chill out at a drive in and watch a flick – ANY flick! LOL they’re awesome!)

    Anyway, having said all that, I went into the movie experience expecting to hate the movie because it looked unecessarily violent and dark – like a “dude movie” that no woman could ever enjoy. I came out LOVING it! I’m now going to devour all three books, and I’m planning to go see it again this weekend.

    • JamieRene says:

      There’s a drive in near us that seasonally shows the Evil Dead movies – it is AWESOME LoL
      I’m so glad you gave the movie a chance, and so jealous you got to see it at a drive in!! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the books – I am devouring them as quickly as possible!! Have fun at your second viewing this weekend!! And thanks for visiting =D

  92. changeinview says:

    Just have to say I am looking forward to seeing the movies. The books are really good and keep your attention.

    • JamieRene says:

      I’ll be thrilled to read what you think of the movie, I’m having such a blast hearing from everyone that’s already read the books – it seems that there are a billion different thoughts on the success of the adaptation. I hope you love it, and thanks so much for commenting!! =D

  93. meganyarnall says:

    The film adaptation IS quite good as far as film adaptations go. I’ll admit I was pleasantly surprised! Fun movie to see. I’d suggest it to anyone.

    • JamieRene says:

      It’s kind of sad that we expect adaptations to film to fall short…but it so true. They usually do. However, if none ever fell short – we wouldn’t get so excited about the good ones =P I’m super glad this one didn’t disappoint!! Thanks so much for dropping by!!

  94. cerisze says:

    i can’t wait to watch this movie!! 🙂


  96. endlessencounters says:

    Although I admire your enthusiasm about this film, I have to say that

  97. endlessencounters says:

    Sorry, I don’t know what happened! My computer went all haywire on me for a second and I don’t know how to delete my initial comment.
    ANYWAY, what I was TRYING to say is that as much as I admire your enthusiasm about this film, I have to agree with “Benjamin” in that I don’t think there was enough plot or character development. Maybe I will change my mind when I actually get around to reading the books, but as someone who went into it with very little background information, it was a little difficult for me to really sympathize with the characters. I felt that it was very rushed and there were certain elements to the film–don’t wanna give away any spoilers–that probably could have been better explicated and represented.
    Again, I haven’t read the books–yet–but as someone with limited knowledge I can definitely judge that there were quite a few missing plot and character elements.
    I hope the books are much more satisfying than the movie was.

    • JamieRene says:

      Haha!! My computer bails on me all the time!!

      You totally said almost exactly what Benjamin said – he didn’t feel the film created that connection with the characters that the book did. I’ll be super interested to hear what you think after reading the books, as I am just now reading them myself, and we’re kind of in the same place as far as familiarity with the series. We should catch back up once we’ve both read them!! And thanks for visiting btw =D

  98. I loved these books so much and was so goofily excited for the movie that I thought for sure I would be disappointed. I agree with you, though. The movie was fantastic! And, Lenny was perfect as Cinna – super dreamy. I thought that Woody Harrelson would be chewing the scenery left and right, but no one could have done as well with Haymitch as he did. And, Jennifer. Well, what can I say – you’re right. She’s not who I pictured when I read the book but she was fantastic. (And, I thought the guy who played Peeta was going to be too short but I barely noticed it in the movie.)

    • JamieRene says:

      BAHAHAHAHA!! Woody Harrelson chewing the scenery!?!?! I’m laughing so hard I’m having trouble typing!! Gold star my friend, that is an amazing comment =D Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  99. Love your review!!! I went to a midnight screening and LOVED the movie (I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t like it). The only thing I wanted more of was Katniss and Rue time, since that was such a developed and special relationship in the book. But overall, I thought everything about the movie was fantastic! – Hannah

    • JamieRene says:

      Oooo!! There’s more Katniss and Rue time in the book??? I was wondering about that!! Because in the movie it seemed like the games only lasted a few days, but it’s insinuated that they’re longer in the earlier chapters of the book. MUST. GO. READ. Thanks for getting me all fired up, I can’t wait to finish the series and have the whole story!! And thanks for taking the time to comment =D

      • There is so much more Katniss and Rue time in the book!!! It’s much more devastating when *SPOILER ALERT* Rue dies, because she and Katniss have formed such a deep bond by then. Unfortunately I think Gary Ross probably had pressure from Lionsgate to cut the movie’s running time down as much as possible, and the Rue storyline suffered because of that. And the games definitely lasted more than a few days in the books, so you’ve got lots of killing and hiding and other fun things like that to look forward to while you’re finishing the book! Enjoy!!! 🙂

      • JamieRene says:

        O.M.G. I can’t wait to hear the full details!!
        I am so hating the pressure to cut the running time – even 20 minutes more would have helped I think!!
        Thanks so much for your comments, I am so super stoked about reading the rest of the story =D

  100. Ashley says:

    I saw it Friday night with my 18 year-old daughter and we both loved it! She actually got me to read all three books, and now I’m looking forward to the next. However, I’ll be watching this one a few more times before Fall 2013:)

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh you betcha!! I cannot wait to go see it again!! And I love that you went to see it with your daughter – I’m 32 and going to see movies with my mom is still totally one of the greatest things ever =D

  101. KLooDoo says:

    Jaime, I too sped through the books (not in one night). I thought you and your Hunger Games followers might like today’s picture puzzle @ KLooDoo:

    • JamieRene says:

      I love that!! And I’m so excited that I figured it out LoL!! Historically, I am not great at these =P Thanks so much for sharing it with me, I hope everyone checks it out!!

  102. I thougth i had the only reviewing page out here its nice to know ur not alone., Check it out

  103. Pingback: The Fashion of Hunger Games |

  104. aso127 says:

    This is really a good work. I appreciate your efforts behind that. Have a great day!

  105. Pingback: hunger games «

  106. Life's a Bowl says:

    I haven’t read any of the books yet but I saw the movie over the weekend and now I hope to get through them all before the second movie comes out!!!

  107. peasquared says:

    OMG!! i am just like you and your sister in reading books!! i stayed up all night reading the first one (a gift) and waited two days (after checking 2 libraries) before i bought the 2nd and 3rd on my kindle. and then stayed up all night and read both in two days. they are awesome!!! i haven’t yet seen the movie (i’m waiting til the crowds thin out). but i will be going in a few weeks. i’m so excited for it!!!!!!! happy reading!!!!

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh sweet cheeses!! The next time an amazing series comes out – we’re gonna have to notify each other LoL!! Can’t wait for you to see the movie, I hope you love it!! And thanks bunches for stopping by =D

  108. meitot says:

    This is so nice. I loved the trilogy book and finished the whole 3 in less than 4 days. 🙂 I know! I’m that addicted to it. However, I wasn’t able to watch the movie yet so the anticipation is still there and when I read about your review… arggghhhh! it makes me want to leave my kids and just watch the movie in theater. (expression only) anyways, thanks for this and hopefully I got to see this amazing movie. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      LoL!! I hope you get to see it too!! Maybe a kind friend will babysit?? Because it would be such a shame for you not to see it in the theater!! I love that you went crazy bananas reading the trilogy, that is always the most fun, just not being able to put the book down =D Thanks so much for your kind comments, and for stopping by!!

  109. I loved the movie and so did my friends, but my mother and sister thought that it wasn’t as exciting as the book. Oh, and I totally understand about your need to read all the books one after the other, I bought the box set last year and my sister and mum were in line to read it as soon as I was done. Lucky for us we are fast readers 😀

    • JamieRene says:

      My mom, sister and I trade books amongst ourselves as well!! And there’s frequently a line LoL!! Sounds like there’s an even divide in your group between likers and non – which is pretty consistent with what I’ve heard so far. I think it’s great though that people are loving at least one or the other, if not both!! =D Thanks so much for visiting!!

  110. ncmommy34 says:

    My husband and I saw the movie on Saturday night. Living in a small city, we both just KNEW it would be sold out…and it was in a matter of minutes. I have read all of the Harry Potter series, have seen all movies, and the same for Twilight. I have also read all of the Hunger Games series. I have to say that these 3 books surpassed the love I have for the other two. And the movie….well.

    My wishes for the movie are simple. More relationship development with Katniss and Gale would have made Gale getting jealous a little more sensible. Also, the Capitol should have been more…opulent and grand. And having read the books before I went in, there was one glaring difference, but I think it made more sense the way the movie had it. The development of the relationship between Katniss and Peeta was a little lacking for me, but they were able to pull it out.

    I loved the movie, and am waiting anxiously for the next one to hit theaters. Woody Harrelson was PERFECT as Haymitch! I can’t wait!

    • JamieRene says:

      Oooo really?? More than Harry Potter?? That’s so exciting!! I can’t imagine loving anything more than Harry Potter, you’ve given me something to aspire to, if only to see what that feels like =P
      I totally agree on Katniss and Gale. And I’ve heard many say the same about the Capitol, although I’m temporarily reserving my opinion until I finish the book. And another “oooo” on the Katniss/Peeta relationship, I must finish the book!! Everyone has given me such delicious hints!!
      I can’t wait till Catching Fire either!! I will certainly be in line at midnight!!

  111. sangjiwa says:

    I never read book that i think i wanna watch the movie.. never fall to dissapointment of “we always knew that movie WILL cheat the reality of ‘book’

  112. Tania says:

    Yeah! Totally in love with the Hunger Games. It is in fact the second sequel I am willing to read the books after Harry Potter. I am in the progress of reading the first book, though. More to come! 🙂

  113. Moonie Mun says:

    I love your post. However, it’s a shame that the movie is banned in my country (Vietnam). Therefore I can not watch it. I have to read the first book again and pretend that I watched the movie. 😦

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh noooosss!! Maybe you’ll get to see some clips on YouTube over the next few weeks from interviews and stuff? Or perhaps there’ll be more clips to see once it’s released on DVD. If you have any questions about scenes, just message me!! I’ll fill you in as best as I can =D

      • Moonie Mun says:

        I love you!!! I have to wait for the DVD (which takes months 😦 ). Well, is it true that the mockingjay pin in the movie belonged to Katniss’s father (not her friend?)?

      • JamieRene says:

        Oooo!! Good question!!


        In the movie, the Mockingjay pin doesn’t come from either her father or the friend, Katniss picks it up at the Hub!!

      • Moonie Mun says:

        Thank you!! Now all I can do is waiting for the DVD. I am jealous with all of you here. :((

      • JamieRene says:

        You’re welcome =D Just let me know if there’s anything else you can’t wait to know about!! That way you don’t have to feel too super jealous, we won’t let you stay completely in the dark =D
        Btw, waiting for DVD’s/New Seasons is the worst, especially the super long wait for something that was filmed in another country. I’m a huge fan of the TV show “Downton Abbey” which is produced in the UK, and after the season finale, all us kids across the pond have to wait over a year to have access to the next season. It’s torture!!

      • Moonie Mun says:

        Yeah, it’s torture!! Well, I booked ticket to fly to Cambodia. I’ll watch the movie in next week. Perhaps I’ll have a lot of things to discuss with you. Haha. Oh, I hate out government!! We are living in a real Panem. They banned a lot of movies.

      • JamieRene says:

        Wow!! I’ve never met anyone who had to get a plane ticket to go see a movie!! Power to ya girl, don’t let anyone stop you from going to see Hunger Games!! I would love to have you do a guest post about your home, if that’s something you’d be interested in. I think anything you’d have to say would be FASCINATING =D Let me know watcha think!! And yes!! I CANNOT WAIT to hear what you have to say about the movie!!! We’ll have tons to discuss!!

  114. For the first time in history, I’m actually considering paying to see a movie in theaters a SECOND TIME. It was that good. I also want to read all the books again and again until my brain explodes. Great review! Glad to see that you enjoyed the film as much as I did! (By the way, I think you’ll love the way the series concludes!)

    • JamieRene says:

      I KNOW!! I’m looking forward to a brain catastrophe due to over-reading too!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the review, and that you loved the film so much =D And thanks for telling me I’ve got a lot to look forward to with the series, it’s so exciting!!

  115. Like you, I’m all in. I’ve read the first & second books and am halfway through the third. And have I mentioned that I don’t read? Well, I don’t read much anyway. But my friends all said I HAD to read them. So read I did … through mealtimes, my favorite TV shows, even sleep. And, more incredible than that, I saw the movie on opening day and wrote my own post …

    Again, I’m totally hooked. So much so that I’ve written two prequels to the series. Sure, I took a liberty or two in the earlier one but I still think, if you know the storyline (and you most certainly do) that you’ll enjoy reading them. So, I’m including the links here.

    (1) Katniss, age 11 –
    (2) Katniss, age 7 –


  116. I haven’t ‘quite’ finished the first book but I can’t wait for the other two. Knowing the movie won’t mess up the story helps. The movie’s NEXT. Thanks for the review.

    • JamieRene says:

      Thanks so much for reading!! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the movie!! And I bet you’re further along with the book than I am =D I’m carefully avoiding book reviews until I finish, then I’m going to (over)indulge!!

  117. Bookrave says:

    I totally agree! Jennifer Lawrence slid into the role of Katniss a little creepily too perfectly, like, wow! But I do think the movie producers should’ve given a tee bit more character background, especially between Peeta and Katniss but anyways, the movie kicked my expectations ass! I honestly set low expectations so I wouldn’t be devastated when I watched it but never mind that, it was amazing. Definitely, definitely read the books. 😀 Love the review

  118. Whimsical Abandon... says:

    Saw the movie, and I have read all the books! I agree! SO AWESOME! I went twice, once with people who have all read them and once with my dad, who hadn’t. It worked well for both, so as awesome as the books are, I think it is a good movie for everyone, even those who have yet to experience the books!
    The casting was awesome, as was concept work and plot. I finished them a bit ago but as I watched nothing HUGE came to mind that they missed (nothing I wasn’t aware of, like certain characters) but other then that the adaptation was spot on! and scenes they added were effective too!
    Great post! 😀

    • JamieRene says:

      OoOOOOooo!! I only went with readers!! Although, I don’t think there’s anyone I know who HASN’T read them =P
      And I agree, I think the movie has the potential to be enjoyable for those who haven’t read, and/or don’t want to read, the Hunger Games series.
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, thanks bunches for commenting!! =D

  119. maximalize says:

    yay but nice info hehe

  120. Karen says:

    I was interested to hear what someone who hadn’t read the books thought of the movie. I thought it might be hard to follow along… or really just get the meaning of everything. Glad you enjoyed it anyway!

    • JamieRene says:

      Yes, I’d have to say the film was easy to follow – however, everyone’s been hinting there’s all kinds of fun stuff still to discover in the books. I’m racing to find it all out!! =D Thanks so much for dropping by!!

  121. Sparkileptic says:

    I was actually disappointed with the movie, and it’s not just because of the flagrant similarities with other stand-out productions. The movie was lacking and offered a small helium balloon after it had promised a blimp.

    • JamieRene says:

      Hmmm, I’m sorry you were disappointed. I’ll have to reserve my final judgement once I’ve finished the books. And after reading your review, I’m adding you to my list of about 6 people who have mentioned Battle Royale – I need to check this out. Thanks for commenting!!

  122. Although I haven’t read the novel yet, I think this movie’s awesome! ((: The best movie ever seen, for me.

    • JamieRene says:

      Oooo!! Congrats!! I love finding favorite movies, so happy for you =D I think you’ll love the books too, I’m loving them more with every page I read. Thanks so much for stopping by!! =D

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh wow. I’m really surprised anyone was bothered. My heart went out to Rue, I thought the actress did a spectacular job of portraying her. And how could you put anyone BUT Lenny Kravitz in gold eyeliner? Honestly. And he created such a compassionate, intelligent, soothing characterization of Cinna. And the other young man – I haven’t met him in the book yet. But isn’t the point of casting finding the actor most capable of embodying the character? I don’t see how black, white, or any other race would matter. For example, in Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy series, the character of Ford is a red-headed white guy. But Mos Def MADE Ford in the latest film adaptation. I wouldn’t ever want to see anyone but Mos Def play Ford from here on out. Because he was THAT GOOD. Thanks for sharing this with me – it got me to thinking – I love comments that send me off on a whirlwind of thought =D

    • I’d heard about this “issue,” but had not seen the article. People are idiots. But then we already knew that. I loved the books and the movie (which, as with any adaptation, is lacking a just a bit). I even tried my hand at two prequels. Have a look:

      (1) Katniss, age 11 –
      (2) Katniss, age 7 –

  123. A wonderful review you have here! Like you, I also have not gotten past the first 7 pages of the book but I absolutely loved the movie. Seeing it made me want to finish the book all the more. And you know, Jennifer Lawrence really rocked it as Katniss. Half the movie would’ve been a bore had she not been in the scenes.

    • JamieRene says:

      She did such a great job!! I so agree!! Hope you enjoy the book – I’ve made it to chapter 6 LoL – steadily working my way through until I can indulge over the weekend =D Thanks so much for commenting!!

  124. Well, I haven’t read the book yet but I’m kind of expecting for more action and more “killings” especially when the Games began. When we watched the movie, I and my friends are quite disappointed because we were expecting too much. People around us are like devoting Hunger Games like it was a rage against the gods. But still, the casting was perfect! And by the way, you should have mentioned the “shaky” cinematography of the film. I think it wasn’t very effective. Nice blog. 🙂

    • JamieRene says:

      I think the book will meet your expectations – I’m not quite there yet, but several commenters have mentioned the fight scenes were a little lacking, perhaps for the sake of the PG13 rating?? And just on a side note – you may enjoy the His Dark Materials series if you haven’t already read it (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass). The movie adaptation was a flop, and is only fun if you see it before you pick up The Golden Compass for the first time – but it’s one of the most intriguing series I’ve ever read.
      And yes!! On the shaky camera!! I’ve talked about this with several people, and it drove me kind of bananas too – but not for the same reason as most people. I thought it was an impractical choice because, well, where the hell was that camera supposed to be shooting from? Nowhere in the dome was anyone running around with a camcorder – nor did anyone have a camera mounted to their head. All the cameras were in trees, etc. Unless there was a windstorm or earthquake, there should have been no shaky camera, only zoom.
      Glad you enjoy the blog =D And thanks for stopping by!!

  125. Dearisa Muhlisiani Putri says:

    Reblogged this on Violet Silhouette of … and commented:
    Terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan! 😀

  126. Reblogged this on My Library Card Wore Out and commented:
    As I am not really interested in seeing this movie I through I should let my readers know how others felt about the movie. If you are going to see it, let me know what your opinions are, but for now read this amazing review. Enjoy!

  127. J Besonia says:

    “I jumped, I squealed, I chewed my nails, I cried, I grabbed Ben’s arms, I thought about throwing my shoes at people who were talking”

    hahaha! Oh, I feel you.

    I love your writing so much!

  128. Reblogged this on The Porsche Independent Repair and commented:
    I see a lot of “Hunger Games” in our everyday life.

  129. I can see why your post was FP’d – it was great!

  130. But isn’t it a bit brutal?

    • JamieRene says:

      Hmmmm….I’m not sure exactly how to phrase my response. Because on one hand, yes it is – heart wrenchingly so. But at the same time, in a situation beyond their control – these kids try to rise above the hand their dealt. Their brutality is not by choice – it’s forced – so they must use the situation they’re in to fight a cruel and morally wrong system. I’m still finishing the book, but that’s where I stand for now. Thanks so much for commenting, that was a thought-provoker =D

  131. Someone told me about the book Saturday, I read it Sunday, saw the movie on Monday and read Catching Fire and finished it yesterday. I’m trying to resist starting Mockingjay until the weekend so I don’t stay up late reading. I don’t know if I will succed though.

  132. Ok, so I’m about to begin reading the series during my time off. Should I take it slow and savor each moment or should I just rush it in a night like you to taste the sweet satisfaction of finishing it?

    • JamieRene says:

      Oh hun, I just rush cuz I MUST know what happens next LoL – I’m not forgoing any savoring of the moments =D I promise you can savor away and fly through any store that catches your imagination!! Besides, you can always read them 11 times – I’ve done it with Harry Potter and loved every run as much as the first!! Thanks so much for stopping by, and I can’t wait to hear your chosen approach – and what you think of the books!!

      • My god the books were beautiful. I’m glad she ended up with Peeta, but I thought the ending was a little subpar. Loved it overall though.

      • JamieRene says:

        My Benjamin felt the same way about the ending, I’ll tell him you share his sentiments!! I’m loving all that I’ve read so far!! Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  133. mmonty86 says:

    Great review. It definitely captured the essence of this blooming film franchise.

  134. 2chicgurls says:

    Hey! We nominated you for the versatile blogger award- check it out here!

  135. Hey,

    Check out my review of Hunger Games. It’s a bit different.

  136. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Disclaimer: This is a Re-blog, not my own. This Review was just to school for cool. I love. Period. A moment of Pause for even more Effect. Almost Done. Okay.
    For the record, I’m officially in love with the word “bomb-diggity”, and it’s probably not the last word I’ll be lovin that comes out of this girl’s mouth… X) Enjoy my Pilipino’s !!!

  137. This movie, though at first skeptical, was better than I imagined. Everything from the scenery of District 12 to the authenticity of the characters and plot really brought this movie to life. I kind of wish there was more camera time depicting the new alliance and developing friendship between Katniss and Rue but even still this movie was awesome. This is my ultimate dream!!! To have my series turned into a movie one day. Suzanne Collins, you are my inspiration!!!

  138. Hey, i havent watched the film yet,,, but, reading ur review seems to ensure me to watch the film immediately!H

  139. When i saw the trailer of this movie, i automaticly thought i was going to love it and i was right. That movie is awesome i can’t wait for the second one, i loved Jennifer Lawrence in it and i hope this film never ends and keeps on going.

  140. Good review. I definitely felt the same way about the film. It is a great adaptation of the work and I am glad it has found as much success as it has. Jennifer Lawrence was perfect casting for this film and I can’t wait to see where her career goes. Kravitz wan’t too bad either and Stanley Tucci had me in stitches. You can read more of my thoughts here

    • JamieRene says:

      Stanley Tucci was great!! I regret that I failed to mention him, he’s one of my all time favorite actors!! I’ll be checking out your post for sure, thanks so much for visiting =D

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